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Stop Enforcement of Illegal and Unconstitutional Executive Orders and Gun Laws in Nebraska
Have you seen the latest bills being proposed at the Federal level?  Have you read President Biden's and Speaker Pelosi's proclamations on the anniversary of the violent attack at the Stoneman Douglas High School? As is their typical approach, instead of dealing with the root causes of violence, many in the Federal government are focusing on the gun-owning community and our ability to own, possess, transport, and transfer firearms.
Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to take action?
Then join us on February 24th at 1:30 p.m. in room 1507 at the State Capitol.
Demonstrate your support for the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. Stop the Federal Government from being able to enforce unconstitutional executive orders, laws, and policies affecting our 2nd Amendment rights. 
Take a stand for Nebraska and the future of our constitutional rights!
Support LB188, introduced by Senator Halloran and co-sponsored by Senator Brewer, Senator Groene, Senator Lowe, and Senator Briese.
If LB188 passes, the Second Amendment Preservation Act will protect Nebraskans from unconstitutional and illegal federal actions by precluding any state employees, including law enforcement officers, from being directed, through federal executive orders, agency orders, statutes, laws, rules, or regulations in effect on or after the effective date of this act, to violate their oath of office and individual rights affirmed under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and Article 1, section 1, of the Constitution of Nebraska
Can't Make the Hearing?
Submit your Testimony
To submit a letter to be included in the official hearing record, it can be:
Emailed to the official committee email address – 
Your email must identify the bill LB188 and include your name and address, state a position of for, against, or neutral, on the bill in question, and include a request for the letter to be included as part of the public hearing record.
Also, email the Committee Members (links to each email are within their name)
Of if you prefer to drop off written testimony
  1. Submission of written testimony will only be accepted between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. in the respective hearing room where the bill will be heard later that day.
  2. Individuals must present their written testimony in person during this time frame and sign the submitted written testimony record at the time of submission on the day of the hearing on the bill.
  3. The testifier must submit 12 copies. Failure to submit the required number of copies will result in the treatment of the submission as a position letter and not written testimony.
  4. The written testimony must be a written statement that is no longer than 2 single-spaced, typed pages or 4 double-spaced, typed pages in length.
  5. Only the written testimony from the person delivering the testimony will be accepted. No handouts, testimony, or letters from other individuals may be included outside of an individual’s written testimony.
  6. Written testimony will be handed out to each member of the committee during the hearing and made available as part of the hearing transcript when the transcript is made public.
Want to Learn More?
Join us for our next
Online NFOA Townhall!
February 22nd
7:30 p.m.
We will be sending out the links to join in soon!

PO Box 27131, Omaha, NE, 68127

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